I am not an established journalist or writer, merely a teacher retired from 34 years of intense
practice in composition, literature, and academic debate.
From Facebook @DaveWilliams53
Former English Teacher at Lincoln Southeast High School
Former English Teacher at Marquette, Nebraska
Former English Teacher at Ralston High School
Studied Debate at University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Went to Ralston High School
Left Job at Lincoln Southeast High School
Started New Job at Lincoln Southeast High School
Left Job at Marquette, Nebraska
Started New Job at Marquette, Nebraska /
Left Job at Ralston High School
Started New Job at Ralston High School
Started School at University of Nebraska–Lincoln
From Twitter @dwillia53
Been around half a century or so. Hitch Hikin', Livin' n The Woods, Downloadin', Walkin' The Dog, Codin', Runnin',
Teachin', Nappin', Etc.in'