| His
recent accusations at Biden (see #11 below) seem aimed to suggest that President Trump has
finally seen the light. Having been frequently heralded as “The Prince of
Darkness,” he may not be an erstwhile Satan yet. The title too well
suits him:
1) Even while still seeking the Republican nomination, the phrase was
applied to him by rival John Kasich, who opposed himself as “The Prince of Light and Hope.”
2) This foreshadowed a soon to follow campaign appearance where “the Republican
frontrunner led the audience in a chant for darkness, ‘Turn off the
lights, turn off the lights’.”
3) This was a fitting prelude
to his “dramatic entrance into the Republican National Convention in
Cleveland,” which was multifariously mocked, including his picture being
posted “next to an image from horror director John Carpenter’s Prince of
Darkness.” |
4) Then came a satire of his speech addressing the country’s opioid crisis, in which
"A perspiring President Donald J. Trump introduced a surprise guest,
the ‘Prince of Darkness,’ aka ‘Satan,’ at Manchester Community College."
|  |
5) His supporters would try lamely to flip
the phrase back at his detractors, but
this backfired in the dark |  |
6) and proved to be no match for a soon to be appropriately
political commentary:
“I believe the Prince of Darkness
could start a branch of hell in the District of Columbia (if he has not
already done it), and carry it on unimpeached by the Congress of the
United States, even though the Constitution were bristling with articles
forbidding hells in this country,” Mark Twain wrote in 1868 about the
first-ever presidential impeachment of Andrew Johnson,
commander-in-chief #17. The sentence could arguably have been penned
7) Amidst all this, Trump’s brazen glaring at the solar
eclipse sans protective eyeware, back in August of 2017, may have been
a repellent hint of things to come. |  |
8) Not that there was
ever a danger of any inspiring vision being lost, Trump leaned lamely
back into the light, albeit only the Ultra Violet variety, in equally
mockworthy style:
"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous —
whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you
said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And
then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you
can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you
said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting."
(Whitehouse.gov) |  |
9) But even this faint light soon proved too much for the
Bunker Boy |  |
11) All of which I had forgotten until his
recent indecent descent in
Ohio: ”No religion, no anything. Hurt the Bible, hurt God. He’s against
God. He’s against guns. He’s against energy, our kind of energy.” Says
the Prince of Darkness. |  |
12) A
stately, illuminated procession
through the next four years will certainly be a prettier picture than
having watched how the grotesque body politic of Trump, kicking up it’s
petty heels, “
Tripped the light fantastic / On the sidewalks of New
York,” among the darkest remnants of a
Presidential plague.